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In 1979, a few members of the Kensington community attended a function of the Muslim Assembly, to celebrate the 1400th anniversary of the muslim calendar. While at the event, they sat and thought about what legacy would they leave behind in their community? And with this the idea for a junior madressa was born. 


In 1980, the then Electric Balloon nightclub was purchased and converted into what is now known as Hidayatul Islam Educare. But , this what not enough. What more could be done to uplift the community? A few years later the idea for a primary school was put on the table and a committee led by Ms Asaa Patel (Tietie Patel) decided to approach the Good Shepard Church with the intention of purchasing their building for the primay school. The two schools were managed by a committee made up of 13 females with Tietie Patel at the fore. 


A new management structure was initiated in 1989 under the chairmanship of Hadji Ebrahim Essop Patel where the Hidayatul Islam Masjied and group of schools combined under the name Hidayatul Islam Masjied/Madressa. It is at this stage that Tietie Patel spearheaded what is still known as the Ladies Council. The current structure is a senior management team, read more about our board of governers here


In 1999 the Hidayatul Islam Primary was launched with only 14 learners in Grade 1, headed by the principal Sorayah Toefy and Mrs K Williams (who is the current Grade 2 educator). Islamic studies was taught under the leadership of Mr Sedick Davids affectionately known as "Boeta Dickie" from 1999 until his demise.


During the early 2000's the school received funding from El Rahmah in London to build a new block (currently housing the foundation phase) added to the "old" structure. Then in 2019 to coincide with the 20th anniversary the organisation upgraded all the "older" classrooms and renovated the toilet facilities. Smart Boards were also installed in the Intersen Phase classrooms and a mobile unit for the foundation phase. All classrooms are now fully cair-conditioned as well. 


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