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Math Formulas and a Calculator




We are and Independent Community based school registered with the Department of Education.  (WCED).  The School Fees cover the high running costs. We cannot operate if we do not receive School Fees.


Our school has a proud tradition of attracting families who understand the need to pay school fees because they value education.  The Governing Body manages the finances very tightly to ensure that we received an unqualified Financial Audit each year.


School fees must be paid either:

  • Monthly in advance, or

  • Termly in advance, or

  • Annually before the 28th February


Notice of intention to leave The Group of Schools OR a division of the Group of Schools.


A three month notice period must be given if a parent intends withdrawing a student from one of the divisions, unless they intend leaving at the end of Grade 7. 

Fees will be due for three months after receipt of an EXIT FORM, which is available from Reception. 
























Funding model: 

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