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Being a faith- based school, we are passionate about offering children an exciting, stimulating and rich curriculum, based on real reasons for learning. We hope that you will share with us the belief that every child should have the opportunity to meet their potential and develop the academic, creative, social and spiritual skills that will enable them to fulfil a happy and prosperous life.


We are a school that is at the centre of our community. Our school enables pupils from the age of 6 -13 to meet the challenges of an education that will prepare them for life in the 21st century.


Our daily operation in school and around the community, is founded on REAL: Respect, Excellence, Accountability, and Leadership. This REAL concept developed cooperatively by teachers, students, parents, executive members and ladies’ council provides the foundation for how we do business. Through regular instruction and constant reflection our goal is for our students and staff to model these concepts now and into adulthood.


Over the years, curriculums changed, we adopted to the changes, but our CORE focus on education at our school is based on the 3 R’s, which are Reading, wRtiting and aRithmetic. 


We wish to mould a child which is Allah (God) conscious. Together we will inspire a love of learning and help all children to achieve their personal goals, now and in the future.


  • Aspiration: Our children are driven to fulfill their personal potential and have the confidence to achieve their goals.

  • Collaboration: We enjoy working together in groups, teams and as a whole school to achieve greater results.

  • Integrity: We believe in a clear moral framework and conduct ourselves with honesty, politeness and consideration for others.

  • Resilience: We have the ability and determination to learn from our mistakes and overcome setbacks.

  • Happiness: We like our learning to be fun and value the strong friendships we form at school.

  • Kindness:  We always try to support the needs of others in our class, our school and our community.

  • Creativity:  We encourage independent thinking and problem solving across the whole curriculum.

  • Respect: Underpinning everything is the value we place on our classmates, teachers, parents, the community, our environment and ourselves.

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