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Copies of all policies are available on request from the school office.


Charging and Remission policy

We do not charge for any of the resources or books that we use, however, from time to time there are additional charges where we require a voluntary contribution. Examples are:


  • Residential Visits

  • Educational visits off the site

  • Musical tuition

  • Drama workshops/theatre visits

  • Art or Design and Technology resources.


While we cannot insist parents to contribute, we ask that every effort be made. We take great care to ensure that the activities support your child’s learning and keep costs to a minimum. However, if donations do not meet the cost, we may have to revise our plans.


Behaviour / Discpline policy


Behaviour of pupils at Hidayatul Islam is very good and is often commented on by visitors. Children have many opportunities to play together and develop friendships. Our Behaviour and Discipline Policy is regularly reviewed and based on praise and reward systems as well as clear sanctions. Sometimes children misbehave. If this happens, we ensure you are informed and if appropriate, asked to meet with the teacher, or a more senior member of staff. Our aim is to keep you informed so that, together, we can support your child in improving their behaviour.


Anti-Bullying policy


Issues relating to bullying are discussed in every class as part of our Personal and Social Well Being Education programme. Children are encouraged to tell an adult if they feel they are being bullied. We describe bullying as ‘the premeditated and continuous act of aggressive behaviour to another person’. This can be physical or mental and involve great distress and anxiety for all concerned. At Hidayatul Islam such behaviour is totally unacceptable. If you believe your child is in any way suffering from such actions, you should inform school immediately. We will listen carefully to any issues brought to us and act to stop any such behaviour. We never underestimate the seriousness of bullying and the negative effects it can have.


Sex and Relationship Education (SRE)


Although this has become part of the WCED/CAPS curriculum, we as an Independent Institution has opted to omit this from our syllabus. 


Drugs, Tobacco and Alcohol education


Our older pupils are taught both the benefits of common prescription and non-prescription drugs, along with a basic understanding of substances and drugs such as tobacco, alcohol and caffeine. Our youngest pupils are taught how to be safe in the home. We teach that most drugs are designed to help us become well, but if misused, can cause harm. We also discuss the dangers of addiction and how in particular cigarettes and alcohol can damage our health. With both these subjects, our priority is to inform and educate pupils in a caring way to prepare them for the challenges that they might face as adults.


How to lodge a complaint: 


We hope that any complaints parents may have can be resolved by the school. Therefore, in the first instance, these should be made to the Head Mistress. In most cases, complaints can be dealt with at an informal level. However, if they cannot be resolved in this way, there is an agreed complaints procedure that should be followed. The parent should submit the complaint in writing to the Secretary of the Board of Governors (who will acknowledge receipt of the complaint). If the matter cannot be resolved by the Governing Body, the complaint can be referred in writing to the WCED. 




When a pupil is admitted to the school, information is collected under the Education Regulations 1995. It will be held securely and only be disclosed to staff in the school, the Education Department and the Social Services Department. We collect information from you about your child/ren, and may receive information about them from a previous school. We hold this personal data and use it to:


  • support their teaching and learning;

  • monitor and report on their progress;

  • provide appropriate pastoral care, and

  • assess how well the school is doing.


This information includes your contact details, national curriculum assessment results, attendance information, characteristics such as ethnic group, special educational needs and any relevant medical information. We will not give information about you or your child/ren to anyone outside the school without your consent unless the law and our rules permit it. We are required by law to pass some of your information to the Local Authority and the Department for Education.




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